System Information

Morse-Wolff System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card

Gerstman-Sutherlin System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card

Smith-Weinstein System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card


About the Players (Biographies thanks to Judy Kay Wolff)

Dan Morse
  Dan was born in Houston, Texas and resided there all his life.   As a youngster, he watched his parents dabble in social bridge in their home with other couples but didn't actually become mesmerized by the game until his late teens when he became introduced to duplicate -- a joy fulfilling addiction which continues as he is about to play in the Senior Trials in Orlando in 2013 at the age of 75.

He attended Pre-Pharmacy School at Texas Tech and then went on to earn his Bachelor of Science Degree in Pharmacy at the University of Houston.  His entire life has been devoted to his family, to the game of bridge as both an accomplished player and administrator and to working diligently for long hours as a druggist, eventually buying his own drugstore which he owned for twenty-eight years, selling it in 2005.  When time permitted, Dan was involved in the stock market and had a license as a real estate broker.  Despite al his obligations, he always found a way and the time to put his best foot forward at the bridge table.

Dan's early partners included George Dawkins, Ray Carmichael, George Rosenkranz, Bobby Nail, present partner Bobby Wolff, John Sutherlin, Betty Ann Kennedy -- and going back to the sixties ... Dorothy Truscott.    His bridge accomplishments both at and away from the table are impressive.   He has won all the major Team Games the ACBL offers:  The Vanderbilt, Spingold, Reisinger, Grand Nationals, Senior Teams, Open Trials, Jacoby Swiss and Life Masters Pairs.  In 1986 he was named Honorable Member of the ACBL and succeeded partner Bobby Wolff as ACBL District 16 Director, a post which he still holds  

Dan served on the World Bridge Federation Council for fifteen years and was elected President of the ACBL in 2008 -- serving as Chairman in 2009.  Dan's life has been engulfed in bridge and he has always been a successful and popular representative of our game.
Bobby Wolff
  Bobby Wolff was Texas bred  -- spending his first 35 years in his birthplace of San Antonio and then when joining The Aces in the very late 60s settled in Dallas until 2002  when he married Judy Kay and migrated to Las Vegas in 2003 where they now live.  Bobby's bridge history is pretty much an open book (called "The Lone Wolff").  

As a young rookie he was discovered and mentored by Ozzie Jacoby, Johnny Gerber, Curtis Smith and Tobias Stone.  In 1967 he helped Ira Corn and Dorothy Moore with the formation of The Dallas Aces (which started off with Jim Jacoby, Lawrence, Goldman,  Eisenberg, Bobby and Ira as their sixth), but after disappointing finishes Ira was convinced to become the non-playing Captain of what became a very successful sextet under the ever capable helm and watchful eye of Joe Musumeci, a retired member of the SAC,  who was a strict, methodical, no-nonsense disciplinarian.  Despite encountering some losing bouts with the Blue Team, they managed to win World Titles in 1970 and 1971.  Due to lack of financial resources, the Aces disbanded in 1973 but Bobby continued to play with Bob Hamman until 1998 when he was maneuvered off the team for political reasons.  He not only served on the ACBL Board of Directors while in his late twenties and  later as President of the ACBL and WBF, but was also unanimously elected to its Committee of Honour, has a convention which bears his name  -- and was also instrumental in the invention of the Recorder System aimed at sifting out unethical players.  Bobby has eleven world titles (the only player to win in five different categories).  He has played in a total of twelve Bermuda Bowls (with a distinguished record of seven 1sts, four 2nds and one 3rd).  In the World Team Olympiads, he captured one 1st, three 2nds and a  5-8th).

Bobby has never faltered in his dedication to the betterment of bridge and its lofty goals.
Danny Gerstman
John Sutherlin
Ron Smith

Born in St. Louis in 1949, Ron's life was shaped by three unrelated attractions.  He is a celebrated musician, known mostly for his talent at the keyboard and at one time was a concert pianist.  He has also served as an Investment Advisor, but no one will ever be convinced that his first true love isn't bridge! 

Ron, by his own admission, says he "learned bridge from a series of mistakes."  Quite by chance, he watched some re-runs of the old Charlie Goren Championship Television Shows, got the book about the Series and found it fascinating reading.  That roused his interest and he was hot to trot!   His actual introduction to playing was unlike anyone else's story of how they broke into the game.  He laughingly confesses, "My sister, who was faced with the task of finding a boyfriend, had me playing in the local clubs and tournaments in St. Louis."   Don't know if his sister ever succeeded, but Ron's persona, modesty and achievements in the bridge world are recognized and admired.

His early partners included Norbert Kremer, Roger Lord, William Harvey and Ken Biand.  He won a Regional Pair with the then-sixteen year old Canadian Billy Cohen (son of former ACBL CEO) and the following day played with seventeen year old Bobby Levin and history found a way of repeating itself.  Back to back wins!. 

Ron sports six NABC titles, with twelve second place finishes and hosts of other titles. Ron won the Blue Ribbons in 1979 with Bobby Levin and the 1987 Reisinger Teams with Billy Cohen, Zia and Jaggy;  this win is among his fondest memories (and he emphasizes it was not necessarily about winning) because the '87 Reisinger Team boasted four different nationalities and had a team spirit comparable to none! 

Ron is a popular Bridge Professional and admits to just enjoying playing frequently -- probably three or four times a week and sometimes on line.  On his stays in San Francisco, if the opportunity presents itself, he makes it his business to play on Monday evenings at the Club Quick Tricks.  Ron has always taken an interest in Junior Bridge and its promotion and finds it both fun and rewarding to partner one of the juniors.

Howie Weinstein

Born in Minneapolis in 1953, 2013 makes this Howie's first year of eligibility for the Senior Trials.  He lived in Minnesota for his first twenty-six years, then on to Chicago until 2001, spending some time in Florida and California before moving to Omaha where he now resides with his wife Cyndi.

Despite the efforts of his late father (a Life Master himself) to restrain Howie's pursuit of bridge while at the University of Chicago and University of Minnesota, earning a Business Degree, he confesses his 'real major' was bridge (not unlike most top players).  His first partner was Dick Melson, often teaming up with Dave Lehman and Steve Garner.  Coincidentally -- all four ended up trading options on the floor of the Chicago Board of Options Exchange.  Howie preceded the other three to Chicago -- designing computer systems for some clearing firms associated with the CBOE before trading on the Exchange from 1984 until his retirement in 2000.  

Over the years, he has partnered Ralph Katz, Milton Rosenberg, Peter Nagy and since 1997 plays with Steve Garner.  Howie has captured many NABC firsts and seconds and in world championships has finished 2nd in the 2007 Bermuda Bowl, 3rd in the 2000 Olympiad and 3rd in the 1998 Rosenblum. 

Howie has held key administrative positions -- previously chairing the ACBL Conventions and Competition Committee and presently chairing the ACBL Ethical Oversight Committee. He is Vice President of the USBF and Vice Chairman of the ITTC.  One of his favorite bridge experiences was at a Chicago NABC a few years ago, enjoying a glass of wine after the evening session with several others, noticing the nine players at the table represented nine different countries.  He adds:  "Thought that was very cool and reflected what the spirit and camaraderie of bridge should ideally represent!" 

Howie is savoring his retirement -- playing lots of golf and table tennis and indulges in very little bridge other than the NABCs, Trials, and occasional international opportunities.