Our wonderful Daily Bulletin editor, Suzi Subeck, will be producing a Daily Bulletin each day. The full pre-bulletin will be available in hard copy in the Hospitality Suite at the tournament. The first 4 pages of subsequent bulletins will also be available there. To see all of the bulletins after the first one, you must get them online. The bulletins are listed here; click on the one you want to download it in PDF format. Although it will look as if there are links for future bulletins, they will only work after Suzi has uploaded each bulletin to the website, probably sometime in the middle of the night before the Bulletin's date. If you click on a link and are taken to a page saying Error - page not found, that means the bulletin isn't yet available; try again later.


Friday, April 27th

Saturday, April 28th

Sunday, April 29th

Monday, April 30th

Tuesday, May 1st

Wednesday, May 2nd

Thursday, May 3rd

Friday, May 4th

Saturday, May 5th

Sunday, May 6th

Final bulletin, Monday, May 7th