The 2016 Women's USBC will be covered on BBO Vugraph starting with the Quarterfinals. We hope to cover all tables in play in the event. To watch the Vugraph online, go to the BBO website  where you can either log on directly from your browser, go to "Vugraph" and choose which table to watch, or download the BBO software to run BBO on your computer.

If you choose the latter approach, after downloading, install the software on your computer, log on, follow the directions to become a BBO member and you'll be magically transported to the Lobby of the largest bridge club in the world. Click on the button labeled VUGRAPH and you'll be able to choose which of the matches you want to watch.

There will often be a "yellow" user on BBO called USBF. If you have general questions, please ask USBF, not one of the hard-working Vugraph Operators, who may not have time to respond to private messages. Thank you. 

The schedule for each day (60 boards a day) is the same (these are California times; to see the times for your time-zone, go to the BBO Vugraph schedule site:

10:30 - 12:40: Segment 1
12:55 - 3:05: Segment 2
4:15 - 6:25: Segment 3
6:40 - 8:50: Segment 4

Segments 2 and 4 may start a little earlier or later than they are scheduled depending on when segments 1 and 3 end.

All of the teams will play the same boards. For security reasons, if one match is sufficiently behind that we have to start it later than the other one, we will not start the Vugraph broadcast until both matches have started play.

Hints for BBO viewers

Useful information is available to browser BBO users [and perhaps some mobile bbo users]

 click on the name of the table/event name will provide a pop-up that:

* displays the BBO Schedule for the specific vugraph event – calculated for the time zone of the viewer’s electronic device

* has a link to the home page for event

click on a player name will usually provide a pop-up that 

* displays a picture of the player

* shows links to System Summary Forms (SSFs), Convention Cards (CCs), and biographical information

After a session, you can review the Vugraph action on our Web Vugraphs, which show each hand played with a link to bidding and play records. Take a look at the events currently available to see what we'll have for the 2016 Women's USBC. Web Vugraphs are posted within about half an hour of completion of the Vugraph show.

If you are going to be in Sacramento during the Women's USBC and want to volunteer to help as a Vugraph operator, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Vugraph operator instructions in PDF format