System Information

Moss-Radin System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card
Deas-Radin System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card
Deas-Moss System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card
Zur Campanile-Stansby System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card

About the Players

Sylvia Moss

Sylvia Moss is a Senior Managing Director of Human Resources and Administration at The Blackstone Group, a private investment bank, whose main offices are located in New York City.  Sylvia joined Blackstone in 1997 and is responsible for human resource policy and procedures, information technology, research and facilities for Blackstone's worldwide offices.

Sylvia was taught to play bridge at the age of 16 by her brother, who needed a backup when his regular partner was unavailable. She loves the game and has won 7 NABC championships. She believes that bridge makes her better at her job, and her job makes her a better bridge player. 

Judy Radin
Lynn Deas
{mosimage}  A six-time World Champion, Lynn was honored with the ACBL’s Sydney H. Lazard, Jr. Sportsmanship Award in 2004.  The award recognizes “those players who exhibit admirable ethical behavior and a strong sense of fair play at the highest levels of bridge . . . over an extended period of time.”
Lynn learned to play bridge in high school so that she could play in college.  But when she got to college, she found that almost no one played.  Her computer science teacher took Lynn and her partner to the local duplicate club, where Lynn got much of her early bridge experience.  She reports that “it was the only club I have ever played in where people arrived an hour early in order to be able to sit East/West.  All of the ‘good players’ sat North/South, so the club had to force people to sit North/South.”  After college, Lynn entered medical school, but eventually dropped out in order to pursue her dream of being a full-time bridge player and teacher.
Lynn's World Championship titles include four with Beth Palmer, her bridge partner of 30 years, including the 2010 World Women's Pairs in Philadelphia (for more on the pair's history, see Beth's bio below)..  In addition, Lynn was added to the US team for both the 1991 World Championship (where she played with Stasha Cohen) and the 1996 World Championship (where her partner was Juanita Chambers).  Both teams were victorious.
Besides playing in tournaments and at her local duplicate club, Lynn enjoys teaching bridge online and doing partnership coaching.  Her hobbies include painting, coin collecting, and breeding dogs.  Although Lynn terms herself a "small time" breeder, she has periodically found herself tending to as many as 13 dogs.  Lynn lives in Schenectady, NY, with her husband Rich Kasprowicz.
Migry Zur Campanile
JoAnna Stansby
{mosimage} Bridge is by far my favorite endeavor.   Away from the table, I enjoy reading, hiking,  Wikipedia, puzzles, board games, and practice public speaking at my local Toastmasters club.   I don't read the newspaper or watch television - this occasionally puts me in some rather curious situations!   For my "day job" I work part-time as a pharmacist.  I live in Dublin, California with my husband Lew who is also my best friend and has been a great bridge coach for me. We have no pets except for Schroedinger's cat.