System Information

Aker-Richter System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card
Johnson-Simson System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card
Donn-Goren System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card

About the Players

Jeff Aker
akerJeff Aker, photo by Peg Kaplan   
Brady Richter
RichterBrady Richter, photo by Peg Kaplan   
Walter Johnson
johnsonWalter Johnson, photo by Peg Kaplan  Walter was born on November 8, 1953. He learned about bridge by playing a box game called "Bridge for Juniors" with his father, Ernest.  In college, he became involved with tournament bridge at the Wittenberg University Bridge Club.  Retired from a management position with the State of Ohio, Walter plays and teaches bridge fulltime.  He currently resides in Columbus, Ohio with his wife of 14 years, Terri, and their three boys: Bryn, Hunter and Tyler.

Playing various big club systems for over 20 years, Walter has won the Blue Ribbon Pairs and the Grand National Teams. Other high team finishes include runner-up in both the Reisinger and GNT, a 3rd place finish in the Vanderbilt, and numerous top ten national pair finishes.  He has also played bridge internationally with his best finish reaching the round of 32 in the 1994 Rosenblum Teams.
Doug Simson
Josh Donn
Barry Goren
barry gorenBarry Goren, photo by Peg Kaplan