line: 33 php_define = /home/usbf/public_html/includes/defines.php
line: 34 php_framework = /home/usbf/public_html/includes/framework.php

JPATH_BASE =/home/usbf/public_html
FOUND defines.php
FOUND framework.php
Warning: session_name(): Session name cannot be changed after headers have already been sent in /home/usbf/public_html/libraries/vendor/joomla/session/src/Storage/NativeStorage.php on line 405

line: 82 after crlf
line: 92 trying to set mainframe
line: 94 BYPASS set mainframe
line: 99 IGNORE trying to set application based on line in Factory.php
line: 100 trying to set apps
line: 103 trying to set prefix
line: 105 trying to initialise mainframe
Warning: Undefined variable $mainframe in /home/usbf/public_html/apps/includes/session.php on line 106
Call to a member function initialise() on null (500 Whoops, looks like something went wrong.)


HTTP 500 Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

Call to a member function initialise() on null



  1. $apps Factory::getApplication()->getConfig();
  2. //    echo "<br> line: " . __LINE__ . "  BYPASS set apps" ; 
  3.     echo "<br> line: " __LINE__ "  trying to set prefix" 
  4. $prefix $app->get('dbprefix');
  5.     echo "<br> line: " __LINE__ "  trying to initialise mainframe" 
  6. $mainframe->initialise();
  7.     echo "<br> line: " __LINE__ "  start jimport" 
  8. jimport'joomla.user.user');
  9. jimport'joomla.session.session');
  10. jimport'joomla.user.authentication');
  11. // get the database infor mation
  1.     $debugent2  0;
  2.     $debugent3  0;
  3. // is_test
  4. /// must be before header
  5. include "includes/session.php";    // access joomla login
  6. /*
  7. // test if logged in //
  8. if (isset($my) && $my->username<>"")
  9. {

Stack Trace

Call to a member function initialise() on null

  at /home/usbf/public_html/apps/includes/session.php:106
  at include()